Hapiness Day 11: My sister makes me happy.

She is such a hard-working, dedicated, loving mother of 3 crazy, but super adorable children. When I was a commuter I had such huge amounts of guilt from being too tired to see family on days off. Huge amounts to the point that I would cry for hours on my days off because I felt horrible. That is truly no life to live. Working in Kent has been a blessing. I was able to surprise the kids at Ashlee’s volleyball game after work and spend the day with them today. I feel at peace when I am with my family.

How do you counteract those feelings of guilt? What are your go to coping mechanisms? Comment below. I would like to hear them!

Dedicated to my Sister!!

Jennifer said I needed to start a nail art blog. So, I am dedicating this post to her. Keep in mind I am a beginner… BEGINNER! I am just learning the whole nail art- art form. But I love to try… and since I can not be perfect, when I mess up, you will get those posts also! Here is my stash… It is slowly growing. Every pay-day I splurge and buy new polish. I love to try different brands… I have my favorites but that is for another day! Oh, and I have to warn you… my nails look disgusting… I broke 6 nails today! BAD DAY!


St. Patrick’s Day is coming up. This is a very simple St. Patty’s Day idea.


Supplies Needed:
Two-ended Dotting Tool
China Glaze 1112 With Love
Sinful Colors #201 Patrika
Wet and Wild Fast Dry 224C The Wonder Yellows
Color Craze (No Color Given so I have to Make it Up) Frog Kisses
Sally Hansen Gem Crush 04 Blingtastic
Color Club 5688 Winter Affair (This is Caramel Scented too!!)
Wet and Wild 424A Black
Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

Step 1:
Paint each of your nails one of the first five nail polish colors… I suggest waiting two minutes between each coat you use. My red polish I used one coat, orange/yellow/green I used 3 coats, and blue glitter only two. Each brand differs. Why can’t it be uniform? Obviously my red is a “salon quality” brand so it covers better. So, we painted a RAINBOW FOR St. Patrick’s Day! And, what comes with a rainbow?


Step 2:
A Pot of Gold! Using the small end of your dotting tool, make small dots in the shape of a pot. After your dots are made, swirl them together to make a solid pot. If you don’t have a dotting tool, get creative. I have used the end of toothbrushes, crochet hooks, pens, q-tips with the cotton pulled off, and then I got lucky and my sister bought me a kit!


Step 3:
Now, using the other end of your dotting tool (usually one end is small, the other is bigger) dot little gold coins. I added some outside of the pot also… And if my picture did not save right, I may be emptying my pot on the ground.

Step 4:
Paint with top coat of your choice. I am currently a fan of anything Seche Vite. Only problem… IT IS EXPENSIVE! I bought a bottle for myself (a whopping $10.00! I have never spent that much on nail polish!) and then found a great deal on Amazon buying it in bulk for $17.00ish. It is really good at smoothing out the nails, especially when you have layers and designs.

So, TADA… WE ARE FINISHED! A quick and simple manicure for St. Patrick’s Day! I hope you enjoyed! If you have any ideas let me know. I will try them out!



11/09 Disney’s Princesses on Ice

I won tickets to Princesses on Ice at the Showare Center… of course I took my favorite princesses and queens. I wish mom were closer so she could have gone with us but honorary Momma Laurie went with us. Ashlee saw commercials for Disney on Ice but didn’t know about the tickets. We surprised her. Laurie bought tiaras for everybody and we met at Shari’s for dinner. Jennifer made a video to tell her and she was so hyper at first she had to rewatch the video a second time… She got quiet and then said, “i thought my surprise was dinner with Lala and Laurie!” Such a sweet little girl! We went to go into the arena and they said the tickets were not valid. I almost had a heart attack when I went back to the ticket office being WORRIED that I messed this up after we already told Ashlee we were going and they show was pretty much sold out… turns out they printed the wrong tickets… PHEW!!! It was beautiful inside… all the princess gear and it truly was magical. I even bought Ashlee a $12 ice cone… It was a great night! Probably once in a lifetime….

P.S. Little Madi was singing and dancing along also before she passed out.

The Gang
The Gang

Cinderella is my all time favorite princess!
Cinderella is my all time favorite princess!
The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince
Expensive Snocones... but delicious and came with a cool cup!
Expensive Snocones… but delicious and came with a cool cup!
Princess Madi and Lala
Princess Madi and Lala
Momma Laurie
Momma Laurie
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty


Cinderella going to the ball!
Cinderella going to the ball!
Favorite Princess!
Favorite Princess!
Sno-cone tongues...
Sno-cone tongues…
Favorite Princess!
Favorite Princess!
Ashlee writes my name... Sorry the picture is upside down...
Ashlee writes my name… Sorry the picture is upside down…
The invalid tickets... THANKFULLY they just printed the wrong tickets!
The invalid tickets… THANKFULLY they just printed the wrong tickets!
Happy Girl!
Happy Girl!
Happy Girl!
Happy Girl!
Princess shop at the Showare Center
Princess shop at the Showare Center

11/22 Thanksgiving

I have a lot I need to blog about and it WILL not be in order… but at least I am getting it done 🙂

Thanksgiving is one of those hard holidays. It just isn’t what it used to be BUT I am thankful Jennifer is close around so I am not completely lonely. I made rolls with Ashlee. It was tons of fun… and of course she wanted flour all over her face! I love that little princess!



Bandwagon… I jumped on!

This is the month to be thankful… so although I am starting late… I will do it!

1. Ashlee, Ethan, and Madi! They are such joys in my life! After moving tables and chairs all day, these little monkeys are the lightest, littlest cutest hyper babies EVER!!!
2. A job… most days at least!
3. My family (it’s a given!) but I love them and am so grateful for all they do for me! And I really, truly can not imagine life without them!
4. JB, also known as my super reliable car. I do have to take it in to the shop tomorrow because there is a recall… but JB has treated me well!
5. I helped Jenn vote today. I am thankful for the GIFT/Right to vote! I pray our country can turn around and that a God-living president will be elected!

Scary Masks

While we were at Walmart today we were trying on masks. Apparently Ethan wants to be a SCARY monster for Halloween. I tried on a scary mask and talked to Little Miss Madi… I am so mean!! I almost made her cry… She even got those cute little pouty lips! It is a really good thing Jennifer was close to stop her before she started to scream! Ashlee tried it on also… and then poor Madi got tortured with a mask of her own. She probably could have fit her whole body in that mask! It is a really good thing she didn’t see it. She might have scared herself! Sorry the pictures are turned… I forgot to save them after I rotated them… OOPS!

Ethan and I also had a sword fight in the middle of the aisle… I used a little sword. He used every single knife and sword and blade he could find!