Masterpiece Art




My work  puts together an art program, supplies  ALL of the supplies, provides training for is, and offers a teacher to come in for our seniors. Today I had Masterpiece Art V.2 training. It was fun  and really helped me figure out  how to teach this sort of thing to my seniors. I am so excited for my art future… oh… amd my seniors.

Mary Poppins Bag


I was complaining today how sore my shoulders were. They are always sore and I have no reason… until I emptied my purse… My purse/bags are ALWAYS heavy and this is why:

2 cell phone cables
1 computer charger
A pencil case full of pens and flash drives
2 full water bottles
6 bags of peppermint tea
A 16oz bag of red quinoa
A 16oz bag of regular quinoa (I found a good deal and didn’t empty them out… oops)
A mini package of Everything Ritz Crackers
A Special K Caramel  Pretzel Bite
A bottle of ibuprofen
A tablet
A car charger
A wallet
2 lip gloss/chapstick
1 loose pen
2 receipts
A funny email from a resident’s family member
$22.00 loose paper money
$2.42 in coins
A punch card
My cell phone (which I am using)
A planner AKA my life
And my Surface Pro 3
(Before I took this photo I put my Carpinito Brother’s haul  away… 1 jalapeno, 2 green  peppers, a bunch of green onions, and 1 zuchinni squash… which I carried around Fred Meyer’s thinking I didn’t  need a cart because all I went in for was to get my Free Friday Coupon Treat… and I couldn’t find it)

I wish I had a scale to measure all of this unnecessary STUFF… It actually made me think about how much more unecessary STUFF I am carrying around my life. Deep thoughts today.

I am alive…


It has been a while sinceĀ I have blogged… 8 months to be exact. Alot has happened. ALOT! I feel like I am not even the same person I was 8 months ago. In November I broke off my “engagement”. I knew it needed to happen a while before I did it. I decided I kept holding on for things to change, for him to change, because I was getting old and afraid it would be my last chance. That is truly the most stupid thought to ever have. My coworker, the day after I broke off that relationship, told me she had a guy she thought I should start talking to. I told her I would not meet a guy for a month but I would be okay talking to one. I needed a month to be free and single. Apparently a lot of people thought I should break off that relationship because 4 people gave my phone number away. Only one kept my attention. And I am so glad he kept talking to me when he found out after a week of talking that I was just out of a “semi-serious” relationship. And, a month and a day after being single and talking to him for HOURS on the phone every day and hundreds of daily text messages I finally decided to meet him. He has totally captured my heart. He has taught me that I deserve to be happy and deserve to be spoiled, and deserve to be treated like a lady. I feel like I am slowly regaining my confidence. It has been a long time coming and although I still have a ways to go, it is so nice to have the love and support of an amazing guy. I can not wait for my family to meet him.

I just wish I was strong enough to realize my worth a while ago. I think I just feel damaged and worthless sometimes. I struggle with those negative thoughts quite frequently and I hate it. I am better then I was but I have work to do…